The Color Shift

Moving into a new way of being in the world takes new feelings and new energy. You can't get there by just thinking positively or with a lot of therapy.

Something has to change. And it's hard to make that change.

There's no clear path there. And even if you have glimpses of feeling your life is changing and you are feeling vibrant and wonderful, overnight it can go back to that same gray color, and you are at a loss to how that happened again.


Hello, I’m Cynthia Zeki

Transformational Healer and Coach

I help you integrate traumas, health challenges, and other life-changing events that have left you with limitations and transmute them into your purest energy so you can embrace yourself completely, embody your spirit wholly, and live your life fully.

This new way forward is not just your mind, it's not even just your heart. It's a shift in your energy, neurology, body and soul as well. After you complete this shift, it changes your life entirely and gives you the space you need to grow and thrive, taking you and everyone you come into contact with on a new journey of truth, beauty and joy.

It's my mission to help guide you through this shift, so you can truly be at home with yourself everywhere and with everyone.

About Me

Get to know what I’m all about and how I can lead you to a life of wonder and joy. Click below and find out.

Transform with Me

Working with me gives you a solid base of well-being so that you can live a full, rich life.

Contact Me

Discover more about The Color Shift and explore what it means for you, your relationships, your world.


Upcoming Event


This is a unique all-inclusive Color Shift Program. Mornings are devoted to the Color Shift Program, while afternoons are devoted to relaxation and experiencing the natural beauty of St. Thomas. We provide all meals and snacks home-made by Jessica, and transportation to and entrance costs for all activities. Come transform with us.


 Highly Sensitive People experience all their senses (including their 6th sense, Extra Sensory Perception) deeper than most people. They are creative, kind, and energetically aware.